The missing layer

“Layer” is a common concept in IT architecture. Layers exist on all levels, from the “network layer” up to the presentation or consumer layer. The most difficult layer to implement (and therefore often themissing layer) is the process layer. It is difficult because it requires cooperation between business and IT.

The business people know how the processes are performed with manual work and the existing systems. They know the business rules and rules for regulatory compliance. When they experience lack of system functionality, they issue change requests to IT. Or, improve the process with some DIY Excel,simple database tools and scripting.

The IT people know the systems and the state-of-the-art technologies for system integration and user experience. They can build chains of beautiful user interfaces supporting complex user task, involving data in several systems as well as business rules. IT developers often consider such a task to be “a business process” and use a process modelling tool. However, in the eyes of the business, it is just a task. The small and techy model controlling the task execution is of no interest to the business.

The process layer exists if there exists a executable process model specifying each activity and role in the actual business process, as well as business rule tasks and automated service tasks.
              ▪ The model does not refer to any specific system used in the manual process.
              ▪ The process model is created by a business analyst, and it is owned by the business.
              ▪ Each activity in the process has an implementation owned by IT.
              ▪ The execution of the process is controlled by an orchestration engine, also owned by IT.

Case management is required to provide a way for customer and other external parties to interact with the organization. A case is created on an event such as a customer request and starts a specific business process. Several business processes might be required before the customer request is fulfilled and the case can be closed. The processes are not visible for the external party. Only the case is.

The critical success factor for creating and maintaining an effective process layer is a team of business and IT analysts. Their task is to transform business descriptions and requirements into case types and process models that can be executed with the existing/achievable IT capabilities.

An effective process layer caters for business agility based on real time business events and data.

The missing layer AB